Although the school year was completed remotely and the 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition season was officially cancelled our seniors had an amazing build season, an awesome first event, and officially graduated last weekend!
These are tough times we are all navigating, but we think it is important to take time to celebrate the accomplishments of these amazing scholars as they take a bold step forward in their journey through life.
We are proud to present our newest Trailblazer Alumni, the 2020 Trailblazer Graduating Seniors!
- Nyla is going to IUPUI to study Biomedical Engineering
- Lyza (Tindley’s Valedictorian) is going to Embry–Riddle to study Aerospace Engineering
- Bradon is going to Louisville to study Industrial Design
- Aya is going to Indiana State to study Electrical Engineering
- Elijah is going to Illinois to study Criminal Justice
- Isaiah is going to Vincennes to study Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Also, we want to give a special shout out to Lyza for earning the honor of Tindley 2020 Valedictorian!
During this season these students took a mountain of thrown out equipment heading for the trash and turned an empty room into a STEM lab for the entire school!
These tenacious seniors also showed that no matter what happens during an event, they will never give up and never surrender!
These enterprising students also built strong relationships in the community to ensure the team was sustainable once they graduated.
This amazing group of seniors also helped maintain a local FIRST Lego League team and partnered with their mentors to build a modified power-wheels vehicle for a wonderful young student in the community with cerebral palsy.
And in a true expression of their character, when one of their mentors was hospitalized with COVID-19, the students rallied together and reminded her what strong women are capable of.
These scholars have not just grown into great young problem solvers, they have grown into great young human beings, and we should all feel a lot better about the future of this world knowing that they are the next generation of thinkers and makers to tackle the world’s problems!
If you donated resources, time, or energy to this team over the last four years we can’t thank you enough for making this program a sustainable anchor for the students on this team.
If you would like to donate, volunteer, or just reach-out to the team please don’t hesitate to contact us at and make sure you follow us @FRC6721 on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!